It currently takes around 7 to 8 working days for registration in the Deeds Office. Below is a guideline of the typical process a deed will follow after lodgement at the Deeds Office. South Africa has one of the best deeds regisration systems in the work allowing for the maximum protection of the property owner.
Day 1: Lodgement
- Lodgement of the deeds.
- Deeds are checked by the lodgement clerks.
- Lodgement clerks are responsible for for data capture as well as linking of the deeds.
- After checking, the deeds are sent to DOTS (Deeds Office Tracking System) allowing a search to be conducted to track the process of the deeds through the Deeds Office.
Day 2: Sorting of Deeds (Junior Level)
- Deeds are sorted and distributed to various examiners for first examination.
- First examination are usually done by junior examiners.
Day 3: Sorting of Deeds (Senior Level)
- Deeds are sorted and distributed to senior level.
- Senior exams may pass or reject deeds.
Day 4: Final Checking
- Assistant Registrar monitors rejected deeds and decide whether to pass or reject the deeds. When a Deed is rejected, it gets returned to the attorney and has to follow the entire process again.
- Deeds that have been passed are sent to the preparation room (Prep)
Day 5: Preparation of Deeds
- Deeds are prepared by conveynacers and conveyancing clerks.
- The preparation process takes about 3 days.
- Final checks for Interdicts are conducted.
Day 6 - 7: Execution
- Deeds are executed (registered).
- After execution, the deeds are taken to numbering.
Day 8: Data Capture
- The deeds are added to the database. From this point the information is available electronically and can be searched via
Day 9: Updating or Registers
- The Deeds Office registers are updated.
Day 10: Final Viewing
Day 11 - 13: Microfilming
- The deeds are microfilmed. At this point it is possible to order an electronic copy of the Title Deed via
Day 14 - 16: Delivery
- The deeds are delivered back to the conveyancer.
Some reasons why it sometimes takes longer for a deed to be registered
- Degree of difficulty of the transaction.
- Too much workload for the examiners.
- Incorrect information on the deed.
- Backlog.
- Interdicts that have to be uplifted.