
Marriage (Antenuptial) Contracts

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Not many people know this but marriage contracts or antenuptial contracts are also kept at the Deeds Office. It is also possible to obtain a copy of your marriage or civil union contract from the land registry office of the district where the marriage or civil union took place i.e. if you were married in Pretoria, then the contract is kept at the Pretoria Deeds Office. offers a service whereby you can obtain a ...

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Deeds Office Person Search

posted in Deeds Office, Reports
Where a Deeds Office property search related to a specific property, a Deeds office person search relates to a specific person. A person search can be perfomed against any of the 10 Deeds Offices to find out what property an individual or company owns, whether the individual is married and have a marriage (antenuptial) contract and whether there any any interdicts registered against the individual or company. The Pe...

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Deeds Office Property Search

posted in Deeds Office, Reports
A wealth of information is available at the Deeds Office including property information. As the Deeds Office is the custodian of all property transfers in South Africa, it also contains all the information about a specific property. There are providers and systems out there that try to "mimick" the Deeds Office system by providing "offline" searches or searches from their own database. In the end, the Deeds Office is the only place where the most current inf...

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Surveyor General Diagrams

posted in Deeds Office, Surveyor General (SG)
The Surveyor General Diagram is the fundamental registerable document prepared by the land surveyor. The essential information shown on a diagram is: The unique designation of the property. An illustration showing the property. The boundary description listing the corner beacons and the details of any curvilinear boundary. Descriptions of the corner beacons. A table lis...

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Document Copies

posted in Deeds Office, Reports
When you buy a property, you need to get the Title Deed transferred into your name. The Title Deed is the proof that you are the owner of the property. You will need the assistance of a conveyancer (transfer attorney) to help you transfer the Title Deed into your name. It is important to know that you will only become the owner of the property when the Registrar of Deeds signs the transfer. A Title Deed Document is the most...

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What is the Deeds Office

posted in Deeds Office
The South African Registrar of Deeds, also known as the Deeds Office, is an indpendent directorate within the Department of Land Affairs. The Deeds Office is a government department responsible for the registration, management and maintenance of the property registry of South Africa. It is part of the department of Rural Development and Land Reform. South Africa has one of the best Deeds Registry systems in the w...

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Deeds Office Tracking Search (DOTS)

posted in Deeds Office, Reports
When a property is sold or an additional bond is taken out against the property or when an interdict is obtained against a property or person, it needs to be registered at the Deeds Office. This process requires a conveyancing attorney to draw up the necessary documents and "lodge" it at the Deeds Office. The Deeds Office will then process the request and verify th...

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posted in News
Wow. It has been a years since we launched and what a year has it been. We have grown from an unknown website to a recognised provider of property and Deeds Office information. Our customer base is growing and we are proud to be of service to the South African consumer....

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New Look Website Launched

posted in News
We have revamped the website and it is now live. It has had a complete facelift but still keeps the ease of use you are used to. We are really proud of our new website....

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Deeds Office Property Registration Procedure

posted in Deeds Office
It currently takes around 7 to 8 working days for registration in the Deeds Office. Below is a guideline of the typical process a deed will follow after lodgement at the Deeds Office. South Africa has one of the best deeds regisration systems in the work allowing for the maximum protection of the property owner.  Day 1: Lodgement Lodgement of the deeds. Deeds are checked by the lodgement clerks. Lodgement cle...

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